
Many of our everyday movements are changing, they are changing all of us.
But how and what role does the body play in social action? We humans coordinate our actions and act with our bodies.
This is an attempt to compare two, quite different positions: The showing of the body in public – in contrast to the wishful thinking and the need to turn the inside inside out.
The first position shows patterns of movement and strategies that bodies currently adopt in public space. In stark contrast to this is the inner perception, the intense desire to move oneself in a completely different way, to let the body take on other sequences, the emotional cry for movement with extreme emotion.
I miss the dance on stage – seeing it, hearing it, feeling it – a withdrawal of my energy input. The opportunity to talk to dancers, to watch them with the camera, to pay attention to them – it was balm for me!
The three young people completed the restrictive body patterns brilliantly, but I noticed that in between they always included expansive, large, quick successive movements to loosen up. The best basis for improvisation, not contact improvisation as is so common in dance, but exactly what connects the body with social action.
Movement is communication. Let us be aware of this.